Statistically, women tend to be far more vigilant than men when it comes to getting regular checkups, seeking a doctor’s opinion about worrisome health developments and having cancer screenings done. Unfortunately, some signs of cancer tend to get missed by young women especially.
No one wants to think that they could actually end up with cancer someday, but this is no excuse to completely ignore the subject. Knowing what to look for, in terms of symptoms, is one of the best ways to ensure you’re able to treat the issue before it goes too far. Though countless studies have proven women are far better about monitoring their health and seeking professional help, it turns out they tend to miss the early symptoms of cancer.
One common example is sudden weight loss. Everyone—men and women both—enjoys losing weight. So it’s easy to celebrate this development instead of be worried about it. However, if you lose 10 or more pounds in a month without increasing your level of exercise or decreasing the amount of food you eat, this is reason to visit your doctor.
Most women know about the discomforts of bloating all too well. However, it could be a sign of ovarian cancer if it happens every day over the course of several weeks. When it is accompanied by pelvic or abdominal pain or feeling satiated early into a meal, you should seek a professional opinion too. The same can be said if you all of a sudden need to urinate urgently.
While every woman of a certain age should be testing themselves for breast cancer and receiving regular mammograms, this isn’t the only way this disease appears. If the skin on your breast thickens or becomes red, that could actually signal the presence of a very rare, but aggressive version of breast cancer. Changes in the appearance of a nipple (color, shape, turning in or out suddenly) or discharge (when you’re not breastfeeding) should also be taken as a reason to go see your doctor.
Bleeding when you’re not on your period should not be ignored either. Unfortunately, many premenopausal women do. The same can be said for bleeding that originates from their GI tract, as they mistakenly attributing it to their period. While some women simply experience spotting more than others, you should know your body well enough to know when bleeding isn’t normal.
While every woman knows cancer is serious, many don’t know about the common symptoms listed above. If you experience any of them, make sure you visit a doctor as soon as possible.